UPSESSB TGT PGT result 2015
UPSESSB TGT PGT result 2015 has been declared . The aspirants who were waiting for the result of UPSESSB TGT PGT can now check the result which is available here on this website.
UPSESSB is a Utttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board . The UPSESSB every year conducts TGT Exam, PGT Exam. The TGT is known as Trained Graduate Teacher in which the candidate are recruited for Teaching purpose. The candidate within Uttar Pradesh can only apply for the vacant post. After clearing the UPSESSB TGT Exam, the candidate would be getting jobs in Government Colleges as the Teachers post.
UPSESSB TGT Result 2015| UPSESSB TGT PGT result 2015
The exam notification of TGT PGT UPSESSB 2015 was released for which the eligible and interested candidate filled the application form for Teachers Post. The Recruitment was done for the candidate within the Uttar Pradesh Only. The candidate outside the Uttar Pradesh region cannot apply for the vacant post. After filling the application form the candidate were waiting for the admit card to get release.
The candidate gave the exam of the TGT PGT UPSESSB for Teacher Post. The exam was conducted in various examination centres. The examination centres were fully accomplished with the seats by the candidate of UKSESSB which came for giving the exam of TGT PGT Uttar Pradesh. The exam of PGT TGT was held on 08 February 2015. The examination center were held in 11 cities - Agre, Allahabad, Kanpur, Gorakpur, Jhansi, Muradabad, Bariely, Meerut, Lucknow, Varanasi and Faizabad.
UPSESSB TGT PGT Selection 2015
The candidate selection was based upon the marks they would be getting as per the details given below-
- Written Exam - 58% marks
- Interview - 10% marks
- Special Qualification - 05% marks
The candidate who had give the exam of the UPSESSB Post Graduate Teacher , UPSESSB Trained Graduate Teacher can now check their result/Merit list/cut off marks by visiting the the link given below. The candidate for checking their UPSESSB TGT Result 2015| UPSESSB TGT PGT result 2015 had to just follow the following steps -
- Visit the official website
- Then Find the link to check the result of PGT TGT exam
- Then enter your details being asked
- Then submit the details
Click here to check UPSESSB TGT Result 2015
Click here to check UPSESSB TGT PGT result 2015