Gulbarga University B.Com 5th Sem Result 2015
Gulbarga University has released the result of B.Com 5th Result . If you are one of them who gave the exam in the Month of October/November 2014, then you are at the right place as we can provide you an appropriate link to download or check your Gulbarga University B.Com 3Rd year 5 sem result.
Gulbarga University is university which is situated in Karnakata State. The University was established in 1980 under the act laid the Karanataka State. The affiliation of the Gulbarga University extents to the 5 districts i.e Gulbarga, Bidar, Raichur, Bellary and Koppal of Hyderabad Karnataka. The university main campus is situated in Gulbarga City only which covers a area of 860 acres of land with 6 Km of East of Gulabar City. Over all 3500 students took admission every year in various post gradation courses such as M.Phill and Ph.d programmes.
Gulbarga University B.Com 5th Sem Result 2015
The B.Com exam of the 5Th Sem was conducted at the month of October / November in the year 2014. Many students who took admission in the Gulbarga University in B.Com Course gave their exam i.e examination center provided by the Gulbagar University. The University conducted the exam of B.Com 5th Sem for those who has already given the exam of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th sem had now gave the exam of 5th semester too. The candidates after giving the exam of the Gulbagar University B.Com 5th Sem were waiting for the result of their course.
Gulbargar University B.Com 5th Sem who appeared in the examination of 5th sem can their result is available now. They can check their result of the Gulbagar University whose link is available here. The exam which was conducted at the time of October /November now, its result has been announced by the University . The candidate can check the result of the Gulbagar University B.Com 5th sem by visiting the link given below or can check by visiting the official website which is
Gulbarga University B.Com Result 2015
- How Check the result of Gulbarga Univerity B.Com 3Rd 5Sem result-
- Visit the official webisite
- Then Find the link to download the result of b.Com 3rd year4)
- Now click the link
- Enter You Roll Number/Application Form No/date of Birth and capcha
- Now you can check your marks
- Take the print out for further use
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