Tuesday, 20 January 2015

RPSC Recruitment 2015 Rajasthan public Service Commission issued the notification regarding the recruitment of College Lecturer for various Subjects. The candidates who wan to apply for the vacant post of Lecturer can simply visit the official website to apply for the post of Lecturer and make their carrier in Teaching. The candidate can visit the official website which is www.rpsc.gov.in RPSC Rajasthan Recruitment 2015 for Lecturer Name of the Organisation - Rajasthan Public Service CommissionName of the Post - LecturerNumber...
LIC AAO Hall ticket 2015,   LIC AAO 2015 hall ticket,  LIC AAO Admit card 2015, Life Insurance Corporation AAO Admit card 2015. Life Insurance Corporation / LIC Hall Ticket /LIC Call Letter is now available and can be downloaded at www.licindia.in . The candidate who filled the application form LIC some time ago can now download the call letter LIC /admit card :LIC to gave the exam of LIC paper for the post of AAO. Life Insurance Corporation admit card AAO /LIC Hall Ticket is now made available on the official website of...
BSSC Recruitment 2015 for 3757 posts BSSC (Bihar Staff Selection Committee) has issued the recruitment for the post of nurse grade for 3757 number of vacancies. The recruitment for the nurse has been issued by the officials of Bihar Staff Selection Board for which the eligible candidate can apply for the vacant post. The candidate can visit the official website of the Bihar SSC which is www.bssc.bih.nic,in for more details. The Last Date to apply for the vacancy is 04 February 2015. BSSC Nurse Grade 2 recruitment 2015 Organisation Name...

Monday, 19 January 2015

Structural Engineering Research Organization Assistant Grade III Recruitment 2015 Structural Engineering Research Organisation Recruitment for the Assistant Grade III has been issued . The candidate who are interested and their qualification matches with the recruitment advertisement can apply for the Recruitment Post. The candidate can download the advertisement notification from the website of SERO which is www.serc.res.in .  The candidate can visit the official website of the SERC for more Information . Name of the Department -...
PIMS AICET PG answer key 2015 of 17 January exam, PIMS AICET PG answer key 2015, PIMS AICET PG answer sheet 2015, PIMS AICET PG solution paper 2015. The PIMS AICET PG answer key 2015 has been uploaded on the official website. The candidate who gave the exam AICET on 17 January 2015 of Pravara Institute of Medical Science can now download the answer key . The candidate had to visit the official website of the institute which is www.pravara.com The Pravara is deemed university which is located in Ahmadabad ,Maharashtra. The university conduct...
Haryana  Civil Judge Prelim result 2015 of 10 January exam, HPSC  Civil Judge Prelim result 2015 of 10 January exam, HPSC Result 2015, HPSC 2015 result,  Civil Judge Prelim result 2015, HPSC  Civil Judge Prelim result 2015, Haryana Public Service Commission Civil Judge Prelim Result 2015. The Haryana Public Service Commission Civil Judge Preliminary Result 2015 has been successfully released. the candidate can check their result now . The candidate had to visit the official website of the Haryana Public Service Commission...
Bhavnagar University BCA, BBA, B.Com result 2015, Bhavnagar University BCA, BBA, B.Com result,  Bhavnagar University result 2015, Bhavnagar University BCA result 2015, Bhavnagar University BBA result 2015, Bhavnagar University B.Com result 2015. The Bhavnagar University has released the result of BCA, BBA and B.Com department. The candidate can now check the result . The candidate for checking result had to visit the official website which is http://www.mkbhavuni.edu.in/ to check the result. The result of the Bhavnagar University...
RRB Gorakhpur Steno & Junior Translator answer key 2015, RRB Gorakhpur answer key 2015, RRB  Gorakhpur answer key 2015 for steno, Supervisor posts, RRB Gorakhpur Steno, Supervisor and Translator answer key 2015. RRB Gorakhpur answer key of the exam Steno, Translator, Supervisor has been released on the official website. The candidate who gave their exam on various examination center can download the answer key so that they can match their answer which they gave in the examination paper. The candidate can visit the official website of...
UPBEB Anudeshak recruitment 2015 for 11000 posts The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board has issued the notification advertisement regarding the recruitment of Anudeshak . The candidate are advise to visit the official website so that they can fill the form of Anudeshak/Instructor/Teacher recruitment for 11000 posts. The interested candidate of Uttar Pradesh can apply for the vacant post up till last date of the vacancy. UPBEB Anudeshak/ Instructor/ Teacher recruitment 2015 for 11000 posts Name of the Organisation - Uttar Pradesh Basic...
UP Physical B.Ed Teacher Recruitment 2015 for 46000 posts The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Parishad has issued the notification regarding the vacant post of Physical Education Teacher. The parishad has right now issued the vacancy of 46000 posts as Physical education teacher recruitment. The eligible candidate from the Uttar Pradesh can apply for the vacant post. The candidate can visit the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Parishad http://www.upbasiceducationboard.in/ for more details. Name of the Organisation - Uttar...
Uttar Pradesh Basic Shiksha Parishad recruitment 2015, Uttar Pradesh Basic Shiksha Parishad 2015 recruitment for 15000 primary teacher posts. Uttar Pradesh Basic Education council has issued the notification for 15000 posts of Assistant Teachers . The candidate who wan to apply for the recruitment can read the advertisement notice by visiting the official website which is http://www.upbasiceduparishad.gov.in/ . The candidate can see the details of the Qualification as prescribed below so that they way get the details of the vacancy for...

Sunday, 18 January 2015

JKSSB Junior Teacher recruitment 2015, JKSSB recruitment 2015,  JKSSB recruitment 2015 for 1285 posts Junior Assistant Teacher. Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board has issued the notification regarding the recruitment of Assistant Teacher . The candidate of Jammu and Kashmir state can check the notification so that if they desire, then they can fill the application form. The candidate had to fill the form online by visiting the official website which is http://www.jkssb.nic.in . The candidate can check the details of the...