Rajasthan police constable result, Rajasthan police result 2014, Raj police Constable result 2014, Raj Constable result, Rajasthan police cut off list 2014, Rajasthan Police Constable Merit list 2014, Rajasthan Police 12178 constable result, Rajasthan police cut off Merit list, Rajasthan police constable name wise result 2014.
As per the recent news the Rajasthan police Constable 12178 physical efficiency test and Physical standard test will starts from 1st week of November 2014 for qualified aspirants in written exam which was conducted in the month of 1st June 2014 at various examination centers. The exam was conducted for various categories such as GD, Band, Driver, and Operator against vacancies. According to the official website information there are more than 10 lakhs candidate were appeared in the Rajasthan Police Constable exam 2014.
Rajasthan Police Constable result for 12178 posts
After the successfully completion of Raj police constable exam all appeared aspirants are now eagerly waiting for their Rajasthan police result 2014, or Rajasthan police Constable Merit list 2014, if you are one of them then you are at the right place, here we will provide you all important stuff regarding Rajasthan Police Constable exam.
Only qualified candidate will eligible to attend Physical Efficiency test and Physical Standard test which was conducted int the month of First week of November. As per the official report the Rajasthan Police exam result was not declared officially and it is expected that Raj police constable exam result will be declare in the last week of October 2014 at www.exampolice.rajasthan.gov.in.
Download Rajasthan Police Constable result 2014 at www.exampolice.rajasthan.gov.in
In order to download raj constable result or rajasthan police merit list aspirants will have to go through the official web page at www.exampolice.rajasthan.gov.in, than click on the result section tab, now candidate will have to fill required details such as Roll number and Date of Birth. The result will appear on your screen, now aspirant can take the print out for further uses.
By following above mentioned procedure aspirants can get Rajasthan police District wise result or name wise result.
Candidate are advised to stay locked with us in order to get more details regarding Rajasthan Police Cut off list and Rajasthan Police Merit list 2014.