Saturday, 3 January 2015

UPPSC DIET Lecturer answer key 2015 of 27th December exam

The UPPSC revealed the notification some time ago for the recruitment of lecturer of Diet. The notification was issued on the official website of the UPPSC. The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission recruitment notification was issued for the candidates of UP only.

Several candidates from Uttar Pradesh filled or submitted their application for the post of Diet Lecturer. The applicants submitted their application after  reading the advertisement from the online website of the UPPSC. The application was submitted by many candidates within the time period .

After the last date of the application submission the admit card of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission exam, for the post of Diet Lecturer was issued on the official website. The candidate were seen much eager this time to download the admit card. The candidate downloaded the admit card from the official website of the UPPSC. The candidate got all the details of the roll no, examination Centre etc. The exam of the Diet Lecturer was to conduct on 27 December 2014.

The candidate reached at the examination center with regard to their admit card examination center. The candidate gave their exam in a hope to qualify the exam within an attempt. The candidate give their exam will full sincerity and wilfully.  After giving the exam many candidates were seen discussing the exam paper after the commencement of the exam. The candidate discussed the exam paper of lecturer of diet as a vacant vacancy issued by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.

UPPSC Answer key of Diet Lecturer exam 27 December 2014

The answer key of the of the exam of UPPSC of Lecturer Diet is revealed officially. The answer key of the paper has been successfully posted on the web portal by the UPPSC officials. The candidate who gave the exam can now download the answer key of the exam. The Answer sheet with all answer has been issued. The candidate can check their marked answer and can judge their performance in the UPPSC Lecturer Diet exam. The candidate will also be gaining a knowledge of paper pattern and answer.

How to download UPPSC DIET Lecturer answer key 2015
  • Visit the official website of the UPPSC
  • Find the answer key of the exam of Lecturer Diet conducted on 27 December
  • Download the answer key 
  • save it and take a print out

Friday, 2 January 2015

WBPSC Civil Services main exam result 2015, WBPSC Civil Services main result 2015, WBPSC Civil Services main name wise result 2015, WBPSC Civil Services main roll number wise result 2015.

The West Bengal PCS civil service exam notification was released some time ago in which several candidate from the state West Bengal applied for the application. The application were submitted by many candidates form the west Bengal region. The Public Service Commission exam is held every year for the candidates who want to join Civil Service and want to devote their life towards India.

WBPSC Civil Services main exam result 2015

The exam was conducted for the candidates . First, the admit card of the exam were released successfully on the website. The candidate who applied for the examination downloaded their examination admit card from the official website. The students were preparing for the exam from many time ago. The students devoted their whole time in studies and then they appeared for the exam.

The candidate gave their examination of WBPCS civil service pre exam and waited for the result of PCS pre exam of West Bengal. The result of the WBPCS pre exam was declared after a month . The candidate got the result and prepared for the exam of WBPCS Main .

The exam of the West Bengal PCS Main is now conducted after the PCS Pre-exam of West Bengal Civil Services. The candidate prepared day and night for the exam so that they qualify for the written exam. The candidate gave their exam after the allotment of the Civil Services West Bengal PCS Main exam admit card. The examination centers were allotted to the candidate who cleared their pre-exam .

The exam of West Bengal Civil Services Main was conducted on 27 December 2014 . The candidate gave their exam and now they are eagerly waiting for the Answer Key of the West Bengal PCS Main Civil Services exam now. The candidate can now check their answers by downloading the answer key from the official website of the West Bengal PCS Civil Services website. They can visit and can check their performance whether they can clear it or not.

How to download the Answer key of WBPSC Main exam 

  • Visit the official website 
  • Then find the link to download the answer key of civil services main exam 
  • Then download the answer key
  • Then save it and take a print out
UPSC Civil Services IAS main exam result 2015, UPSC Civil Services IAS main result 2015, UPSC Civil Services IAS main merit list 2015, UPSC Civil Services IAS main 2015 result.

Hello. Sundayexam team wishes you a great Happy New Year

UPSC released the notification of IAS some time ago for which many candidate who want to become an IAS officer submitted their application. The application were submitted by the applicants on the given time. The Union Service conducted exam and now the result of the IAS officer Main exam result has been out.

UPSC IAS exam main result released

UPSC released the notification regarding the IAS officer exam in which applicants from different places applied for the application using he website of the Union Public Service Commission. The UPSC application were successfully submitted in a higher quantity. The UPSC application were submitted till the last date of the application.

The applicants were now waiting for the admit card to be released of the IAS PRe-Exam. The admit card were released some time ago by the UPSC officials. The admit card were downloaded successfully by the Union Public Service Commission IAS pre exam applicants. The candidate gave their exam on the various examination. The examination center were pre-booked by the UPSC previously for the written paper of IAS Pre Exam. 

The exam was successfully conducted and the result was released after a little break. The result was released on the official website and the candidate who gave their exam check their exam on the official website . The students check their Result through the roll no and date of birth that were registered by the candidates at the time of filling of the form. Many candidates who really worked hard cracked the exam. It was almost 1/4 th of the strength who got passed in the exam.

UPSC Civil Services IAS main exam result 2015 details

After that admit card for the IAS main exam was released for the candidate who cleared the IAS Pre-Exam . The candidate downloaded the admit card and did prepared a lot for the main exam. They doubled their preparation as what they did in IAS pre exam.  The candidate were very happy to gave the exam of the IAS Main exam. The IAS main exam was conducted successfully.

Now the result of the IAS main exam has been declared . The candidate can download the result and can now prepare themselves for the IAS Interview. The candidate will have to now stay connected so that they can get the details of the interview. The result of the exam can be checked at the UPSC offcial website which is
Maharashtra State Teacher eligibility Test Result 2015, Maha TET result 2015, Maha TET result, Maha TET cut off list, Maharashtra TET result 2015, Maharashtra TET exam result 2015.

MAHA TET notification for the exam was released by the officials of the Maharashtra TET. The exam was to be conducted so they just released the notification so that the willing candidate can fill and submit the application for the Teacher Eligibility Test. The desired candidate who want become a teacher in Government School submitted their application.

MAHA TET exam result 2015 declared

Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test notification was released some time ago . The candidate who were eagerly waiting for the notification to be issued become happy . The candidate filled the application online by visiting the official website of the MAHA TET. The candidate submitted their application on time . 

The admit card of the exam were released officially for the exam. The candidate from various places of Maharashtra submitted their application for the MAHA TET exam. The exam notification is released every year for the candidate who are willing to apply for the exam. The admit card of the candidate got successfully released officially on the official website of the Maharashtra TET. The candidate got gathered on the examination canter to gave the exam of the MAHA TET.

Maharashtra State Teacher eligibility Test Result 2015 details

The candidate from different parts of Maharashtra gave their exam on the allotted examination centered. The exam was a written exam for the recruitment of Teacher in the government school for the primary section classes. The exam got successfully conducted and the answer key of the exam got released on the official website of the  MAHA TET . 

Now the result of the exam has been successfully released on the official website of the MAHA TET. The Maharashtra TET exam which was conducted are now been declared with a good result. The candidate who gave their exam can now download the result from the official website of the MAHA TET. The candidate can now check the result or performance report of the exam.

Procedure to download the MAHA TET result 2015

  1. Visit the website
  2. Then enter your seat number
  3. download the result
  4. Take a print out
HP TET result 2014, HP TET cut off list 2014, HP TET Merit list 2014, HP TET TGT Arts result 2014, HP TET TGT Merit list 2014, HP TET TGT Arts Medical result 2014.

Himachal Pradesh Tet exam notification was released some times ago for which  several candidate application were received . The advertisement of the notification was released on the official website of the Himachal Pradesh TET.

HP TET Medical Result 2014 declared

The candidate from different parts from the region of Himachal Pradesh submitted their application for giving the exam of Himachal Pradesh. The Himachal Pradesh TET exam was conducted so as to recruitment the interested and eligible candidate for the post of Teacher in Government Schools. The notification as submitted by various teachers also who were already teaching in private institutions.

After submitting the application online the candidate were eagerly waiting for the admit card to get released by the Himachal Pradesh Officials. The admit card was a mode of giving exam at the allotted examination centers. The admit were released after some time  by the HP officials so that the candidate can give their exam of the Himachal Pradesh TET 2014. The candidate gave their exam on the allotted examination centers which were pre-booked for the candidate exams which is mostly held on Sunday only.

The candidate who gave their exam are now waiting for the result of the exam result. The result of the  exam was to be disclosed . Now the result of the exam  has been declared by the officials of the Himachal Pradesh TET exam . The candidate can check the result by vising the official website of the Himachal Pradesh TET.

Procedure for downloading the HP TET TGT exam 2014 result

  • Visit the official website
  • Then click on the link which will going to display the result
  • Then enter the details as per the Questions asked
  • Then download the resuilt
  • Take a print out