Sunday, 9 November 2014

Sikkim TET answer key 2014,, sikkim tet 2014 answer key, STET answer key 2014, Sikkim TET paper 1 answer key 2014, Sikkim tet paper 2 answer key 2014, Sikkim tet 2014 cut off, Sikkim TET answer sheet 2014, Sikkim TET result 2014.

Sikkim Human Resource Development Department has conduct the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test written exam on 9th November 2014 at various exam centers across Sikkim. Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test is also known as Sikkim TET and which was successfully on 9th November 2014. Now all appeared aspirants are eagerly waiting for their Sikkim TET 9th November answer key 2014.

Sikkim TET exam answer key 2014 report

Sikkim TET exam is for that candidate those who aspiring to become a primary teacher class I to V and upper primary teacher of class VI to VIII. STET is one of the most popular exam in Sikkim and which was conducted every year, this year lakhs of candidate had applied for this exam. Sikkim TET exam 2014 is conducted for selection of teacher post for primary and upper primary schools in state.

The Sikkim TET question paper 2014 will contain language I and II, environmental studies and Mathematics which contain 30 multiple choice question and carries 30 marks for each section. The subject given to them were on child development and pedagogy, Language I, II, Envronmental studies and mathematics, science ans social science, first three paper are of 30 MCQ each in each section, the fourth paper which had two optional subject to choose from is of 60 MCQ and consist 60 marks.

After the completion of Sikkim TET exam all appeared aspirants are anxiously wanting their Sikkim TET answer key 2014, as per the official report the Sikkim TET answer key has not declared officially, and is is expected that Sikkim TET exam answer key will be released in upcoming days on the official website at, till than candidate can take the help from other relevant institutes and download their Sikkim TET answer key or Sikkim TET Solution paper to cross check their answers.

Download Sikkim TET answer key 2014

  • Firstly candidate will have to go through the official website at
  • There candidate can easily see the Sikkim TET exam answer key 2014 and click on the link.
  • The answer key will appear in four sets A, B, C and D.
  • Than candidate can select the respective Sikkim TET Set answer key and click on the download link.
  • The answer key will appear on your screen.
  • Now candidate can take the print out for further uses to cross verifying their answers.

Click here to download Sikkim TET exam answer key 2014 or Sikkim TET answer sheet 2014

The above mentioned link will be update shortly, candidate are advised to stay connected with in order to get more updates regarding Sikkim TET exam answer key 2014 or Sikkim TET exam result 2014.


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